Snack: Deviled Eggs


I don’t eat mayonnaise very often, but when I do… I eat deviled eggs or tuna salad!

One large egg has 6g of protein and 5g of fat*. It’s a great little pick-me-up snack if you want to avoid carbs. When I make deviled eggs for myself, I usually cook 2 eggs (which makes 4 halves).


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 Tbs. mayonnaise
  • 1/2 tsp mustard (optional)
  • pepper and/or garlic powder to taste
  • a dash of paprika for garnish, if desired


  1. Place eggs in a small pot. Fill pot with cold water until eggs are just covered. Cook on medium-high heat. Once a boil is reached, cook an additional 5 minutes.
  2. Remove eggs from hot water and let cool in a bowl of cold water (this prevents the egg from continuing to cook). Once cool to the touch, crack and peel the eggs, then rinse with water to remove small shell pieces.
  3. Cut eggs in half length-wise (across the longest part of the egg). Carefully remove the yolk from each half and place the yolks in a small bowl. Lay the egg whites on a small plate.
  4. Add the mayonnaise (and optional mustard) to the bowl and mash the yolks and mayonnaise together until creamy. Taste the mixture, and add more mayonnaise (or mustard) if desired. Add pepper and/or garlic powder to taste. [Note: I usually don’t add salt as the mayonnaise has enough salt on its own.]
  5. Spoon the yolk mixture back onto the waiting egg whites, or use this cool trick: cut a small hole in the bottom corner of a small ziploc baggie. Spoon the yolk mixture into this corner and squeeze it out of the hole, onto the waiting egg whites.
  6. Garnish with pepper or paprika if desired,


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